Tennessee: Say NO to Horse Slaughter
The three horse slaughter plants in the United States were shut down in Illinois and Texas in 2007, and the federal government is likely to pass legislation that would halt the transport of horses for slaughter. Funding for federal inspectors has been halted, so horsemeat cannot legally be shipped across state lines. Congress has voted time and time again to ban horse slaughter and it is only a matter of time before a federal ban is enacted.
Despite all of these steps towards banning horse slaughter, the Tennessee legislature is considering a dangerous bill, H.B. 1428/S.B. 1898, to authorize the creation of horse slaughter plants—and would put in place provisions to protect such a slaughter plant from judicial challenge. This bill has just passed a committee—it is critical that we stop it!
TAKE ACTIONPlease call your state legislators to urge them to oppose H.B. 1428/S.B. 1898. Click here to look up your state legislators and the phone numbers. After making your call, please fill in and submit the form on the right to automatically send an email to your state legislators opposing horse slaughter in Tennessee. Your legislators receive a lot of email, so it is important to personalize the subject line and the text below so that your message will stand out and have a greater impact.
Please go to this link: https://community.hsus.org/campaign/TN_2009_horse_slaughter
if you live in the state of Tennessee, and contact your representative and senator to protest this bill.